I was born again in 2020 a young passionate entrepreneur dedicated in his ways until I saw God’s hand in my life. At the Covid collapse, and things coming to an end, for my entrepreneurial journey god stepped in, and miraculously, saved me.
With a software system I had programmed up for sale, I pushed for one final swing towards the end of
I was born again in 2020 a young passionate entrepreneur dedicated in his ways until I saw God’s hand in my life. At the Covid collapse, and things coming to an end, for my entrepreneurial journey god stepped in, and miraculously, saved me.
With a software system I had programmed up for sale, I pushed for one final swing towards the end of Covid. As I was selling it for the lowest amount I felt it was worth, God stepped in.
I was residing in a hotel room on the day before the cancellation of the sale of the software system, and I felt completely confused, lost and I also felt like the sale was not going to happen.
As I lay in my hotel room, confused, frustrated and feeling like everything I had worked for up until that point in life, especially in engraining the entrepreneurial mindset I had was now at a halt, and it seemed it was all for nothing, I felt completely at loss of hope.
On this particular morning, I decided to stay in bed and not even get out feeling paralyzed, with how mentally emotionally and physically exhausted I felt, rattled with fear, and really not knowing what direction to turn. I also contemplated publishing a book I had previously written, but could not proceed to due to lack of funds, and also fearing it would lead people into a way of life that just was not truthful.
As I was laying in bed, I believe it got to right around 12 o’clock nearly noon.
As I sat there in my bed, feeling like everything was pretty much a wrap as far as feeling my life and everything was coming to a close. I sent a message out to one of my brothers letting them know this probably was the wrap of my journey, and if I could wake my mind back up, just enough to get back home, I would’ve loved to. I sent my family member a message letting them know this was probably where I would die. At least that’s what I believed.
As I sent out the message, I laid back in bed, within about 30 to 60 seconds someone walked past the door. Preaching about the heart of Jesus, how it restores, gives life, purpose, and hope.
I remember thinking to myself if there’s any place he gets me it is going to be now, so I stood up and I walked to the door. I then said hey, do you care if I get your contact information. I want to be in touch with you. Me, not knowing what an evangelist did, the gentleman said no, I want to actually come in and pray with you as soon as I get off the call.
About a minute later, the gentleman came in the room, said hello to me, then left to grab someone else and came back in and started to pray with me. As I was rattled with fear, frustration, and feeling like I was really on my last limb, they decided to take me over to the park to lighten my mood, and also offered to get me food. After spending a few hours that day with them. They told me they were hosting a baptism at the park a few days from now and invited me on over.
I knew if I reasoned with it, I would be taking the faith factor out of the picture, and I wouldn’t do it, so I told the guys I would go.
I decided to go to work the next morning just to push a few extra sells in now that I was feeling a little more motivated, and the first customer appointment I showed up, he could tell I was running a little late, asked what was up with the situation. After opening my heart to him, he ended up telling me about how he came to God through a miracle that happened when his child had a pencil in his eye.
He mentioned his wife was a devout Christian as well, and had been praying for him for a long time to be saved.
Then I decided to go to my next appointment, and of course, my priority was not on the customer, it was more on what I thought God was doing, so I postponed the visit and cut my day short. Then I swung by target to grab a new green towel after googling what a new start colar was. I ended up making it to the park perfectly in time to meet with the guys. I got baptized that day in the Willamette River, Salem Oregon.
After being baptized, I didn’t know what it meant to be a Christian, so I prayed on it. God gave me a miracle in regards to a place I should go for Bible School, I went to the Bible School for about a month and a half before my entrepreneurial mind just could not cope with it. As I was praying to God about if I could go and get back into regular life, he let me know that me having my identity in Christ was enough.
I then headed back to Utah the state I was born, and the enemy hit me harder than I could’ve imagined. I couldn’t rest, my mind wouldn’t stop racing, and especially when I got in the Word of God, it was hard to understand.
I ended up going to the doctor as to why my mind just kept running, and they said they were just going to put me on some medication‘s.
They put me on about nine different medication’s, and I went to a place to rebuild my mental health after severely abusing adderall in my business venture. And also pursuing a life that I thought I wanted when in reality God had something completely different planned.
After spending about 45 days in recovery, I felt even worse, being on more medication, and felt more out of place when I left, when thinking back just three years, I was perfectly healthy in regards to my mental, physical and emotion health.
Depression kicked in, and I felt like every day was a sluggish fight to keep going.
I went to reopen my business, but I realized I wasn’t able to run my company without clarity on my faith, I couldn’t operate the company, in a godly way, without truly knowing God.
This is when I called Hungry Generation, they were the only Spirit Led Church that I believe had live phone calls. I called right away and she, the lady on the phone said just whatever the Holy Spirit speaks, do it, so as we were praying and asking the Holy Spirit for direction, he reminded me of the call on my life back to the discipleship place.
Me not knowing a lot, but that I wanted to know God, I closed out my two offices, and told my investor I was leaving to go pursue the gospel. I returned all remaining funds, and left to the decipleship place.
After canceling the contract, I left with nothing but the clothes on my back and my computer supplies from unloading the offices.
Because I knew if I waited, I would probably lose the faith I had to make the jump.
As I was in route down there, I called someone from the church and asked them. Is this the true gospel, does god really heal, does he really do what the Bible says, and is everything the Bible says true and active in this day and time. He reminded me this Gospel isn’t for everyone, but if it’s for you, it’s for you.
I continued the journey down there, and ended up making the journey. The Lord then opened every single door for me as I was down there for living and all situations, including food. But as it got closer to my time to leave, I was praying and discerning, about the place I was staying at. I went to the place to have a better relationship with God, and when I didn’t feel like that wasn't happening anymore, I decided it was my time to go.
After leaving that place, I went to a different business venture, and they offered me a great position in the company, but I didn’t take it for some reason. I went to work in a different area, and I was very committed there, but regardless, still no. I was still in my secret place, and I was discerning god’s will for my life. As I was discerning his will it was testifying to me to head back to Utah again, but I couldn’t quite make the jump. Then when in prayer I saw a cross in regards to the company I was going to stay at, and I said. God if this is me picking up my cross, I’m going to stay here and watch your spirit transform this place, but regardless your will be done.
God stepped in, two days later the company said they were going to let me go for at least three months and if I wanted to come back I could.
Me, knowing it was the Lord’s will I was overwhelmed with emotion just to see his hand in my life. It was an honor to leave.
After I got back to Utah, I was praying whether I should open up a Kingdom Business and still do my Armor Of God Ministry on the side, a ministry I was doing down in California.
And I was about ready to proceed in my business, god said I have something for you you know nothing of.
He then reminded me continually about how Mary chose better than Martha, and he honored what Mary chose more, I told him I would give my company and not proceed.
He then spoke to me and said you chose better.
Three days after I gave up my company, he gave me a vision, he showed me the Bible, flying from my forehead, like a dove, as it got about a foot out another little dove flew out of the Bible, encircling it, and he spoke to me and said this is your soul purpose.
I was so perplexed I didn’t want to tell anyone because the vision was so strong.
And I was praying a few days later about the vision, he said my behold my mantle.
The Sunday following I was going out to do a morning delivery, that happen to be a trip with no deliveries on it. As I headed back, I saw a video of Peter running on the water. While I was driving the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said take this exit, so I took the exit.
As I took the exit, he said take a left here, at the next intersection, he said, take a right, and then, at the next, when he said, take a left, as I drove up the road he had me on I saw a building to my left-hand side. He said this is for you.
Later that week he gave me Deuteronomy 1:8 to go speak and declare over the property.
After that, my relationship with the Holy Spirit went to the next level. As I was spending time with him one night alone, he spoke to me and showed me a fiery cross, and said go change the name of your ministry to Holy Spirit Ministries.
I jumped on it that night, with such a special name I was willing to suffer any attack for it, so I published the website that evening, about an hour to an hour and a half after he told me.
After publishing it, I went to sleep and the next day I was sick. I called a gentleman, and surrender that day to the Holy Spirit. Later on that afternoon I got on the call in regards to another possible business venture in Kingdom Business, while on the call with that person the call dropped. I messaged him back. I called him back to do the zoom and he wasn’t responding, then God spoke to me and said drive back out to the property.
So I drove back out to that property, and God then said, say this property will be the property of Holy Spirit Ministries, as soon as I spoke that over the property, complete peace came over me, then he said see my face.
Now that I’ve been proceeding with Holy Spirit Ministries, he’s been ministering on such a level to me, that I'm ministering to other people strongly on the relationship of the Holy Spirit.
And I believe his Call for this ministry is Fruit that Remains Through Relationship with the Holy Spirit.
As I went to church the following week attending Calvary Chapel, I went up to be ministered to and the call for fruit that remains was so strong in my spirit, while at the same time I was struggling to see myself worthy to proceed with a name like this, and the Lord said through a word of knowledge you are worthy of this call, while being ministered.
As I continue to proceed in it his hand has been it’s so strong, sometimes he consumes me, and it is more than amazing to be walking in the call that he has for my life.
I’ve been focusing over the past few days away from the building and yesterday which was the 7th of June 2023 I was ministering to another brother, and on the way home as I was out spending time alone with God, he spoke to me again and said behold my mantle.
The next day I woke up and made a few edits on the site, and I didn’t know what to do that night. Then he spoke to me again and said go out to the property, so I went out to the property and he said Consecrate here.
I hope this Testimony reveals how god works in peoples lives and how he still is working this day through the Power Of The Holy Spirit.
Also If You Feel Led, Sow Into This Ministry, It Will Not Fail You.
Copyright © 2024 Holy Spirit Ministries Foundation - All Rights Reserved.
Our Call: Fruit That Remains Through Relationship With The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Seeks To Get To Know You, Speak To You, And Speak Through You.
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